Frequently Asked Questions

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I am user of contact lenses, what should I do before the first consultation ?

Contact lenses change discretely the surface of your cornea. Also the precision of visual information collection will be affected. The best thing is to remove your contact lenses 2 days before the consultation if they are flexible, and 5 days if they are semi-rigid or rigid. If this is not possible, your doctor will have enough information at the first consultation to help you in your choices, but you will probably be asked to return to the clinic after removal of lenses to collect specific items that require your intervention.

Why both eyes are usually operated at the same time ?

The accuracy, stability and safety of laser platforms led to perform the procedure on both eyes during the same surgical session.

After how long can I resume my work ?

In Femto-LASIK technique, the work stoppage will be 48 hours. The resumption of professional activities and entertainment will be resumed at 48 hours.

In technical surface, it will take 5 days to return to normal life.

Is there a possibility of reimbursement of the intervention ?

Refractive eye surgery is not supported by Social Security. However, certain mutual or private insurance reimburse a fixed operative on presentation of invoice. It is best to consult your insurance with an estimate provided by your doctor.

I’m nearsighted, I have 50 years: what happens with my myopia presbyopia after surgery ?

After 45 years, operated or not myopia, presbyopia will evolve over time. You will then have to wear corrective lenses for near vision.

Often your doctor will suggest a myopic correction in your eye dominated to maintain an acceptable near vision presbyopia spite.

EX500 will allow the laser to change the corneal asphericity factor (Q factor), to significantly improve the depth of field and thus the near vision.

Associated with monovision, this technique provides effective solutions for presbyopic patients.

Is it possible to operate my astigmatism in the same operation ?

Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, astigmatism, your partner will be operated in the same operation.

How long has the technique of excimer laser treatment is practiced? Do we step back to the surface techniques and techniques Femto Lasik?

The eye surgeons use the excimer laser for over 25 years and their effects on the cornea are quite known.
In the 80 radial keratotomy was used to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism.
Since 1983 the development of the excimer laser will revolutionize refractive surgery.
The first photorefractive keratectomy was performed in 1988 in the USA (Margaret MacDonald).
Photoablation laser is more precise, more reproducible and more stable results over time. In recent years, it replaces the RK.

On surface techniques, safety is a key point of this surgery, the medical literature does not mention late complications.

Femto Lasik technique marks a technological breakthrough in 2008. It has become since then the reference technique.

It operates around the world 1000 000 people a year (20 million patients have been operated to date).

The intervention price is high. What justifies it ?

The excimer laser is one of the medical devices most complex and sensitive. The setting operation and maintenance of these devices require an impeccable discipline requiring the involvement of engineers of diverse skills. Integrated into the technical facilities of the Polyclinic of Savoy, the surgical site must comply with strict standards of the standard operating room on which are grafted specific constraints in terms of humidity and temperature stability.

All these elements contribute to the rising cost of the technical platform.

The center is emblematic LaserMontblanc is equipped with one of the most advanced equipment in partnership with the Ziemer LDV and society ALCON EX500 and chose respect for the highest standards. This is the price of quality.

At what age can it be treated ?

The stability of the optical correction is an essential prerequisite to treatment. This is usually not reached before the age of 20-22 years. There is no upper age limit defined, of course, after 60 years the lens of the eye is less transparent intraocular making intervention more likely.

Are there indications of against-the practice of refractive surgery ?

Comme pour toute technique chirurgicale, il existe des contre-indications relatives et absolues. La chirurgie réfractive est d’une grande précision et n’échappe pas à cette règle. Votre médecin les connaît et va donc les dépister.

Is there a risk of going blind after laser surgery ?

Techniques are laser treatments affecting only the surface of the eye.

Serious complications endangering the overall functioning of the eye are absent.

How soon after surgery and then I swim in the pool, sea or diving underwater? is there a risk to fly?

Surface in the art, the protective layer of the surface of the eye (corneal epithelium) is reconstituted in about 4 days. One week after surgery, it is possible to swim.
In Lasik, corneal protection was reconstituted in 48 hours. The bath can dice the 4 th postoperative day.

In both cases, it is highly recommended not to vigorously rub your eyes in the following weeks and even more specifically in LASIK.

The influence Barometric (depressurization and pressurization air diving) has no influence on the intervention whether in the postoperative phase or remotely.

The environmental factor most uncomfortable in air travel is actually very low humidity maintained in the aircraft and terminal buildings and forced ventilation (remember to hydrate properly).

Is the the sun dangerous for the eye after laser surgery ?

No. The sun has no adverse effect on the cornea (outside of high exposure to ultraviolet). If there is a degree of photophobia postoperatively in both techniques which justifies a sun protection (sunglasses), exposure to solar radiation is possible in the days following surgery.4