Optics aberrations

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Up to one recent period, the analysis of the vision was expressed in term of sphere (myopia or hypermetropie), and rolls (astigmatism) characterized by a power and an axis. In the majority of the cases the sphere and the cylinder combine to create the sphaero-cylindrical aberrations.

They by definition are named "ABERRATION OF LOW DEGREE".

These refractive errors are at the base of all correction by corrective lenses which are always expressed (international denomination) in:

Sphere (rolls and centers).

Example: -3.00 diotries (-1.00 dioptres with 15 degrees).

For a few years, research on optics and the provision of new devices, the aberrometers have made it possible to understand that the vision was not only the association of errors of low degree but combination of multiple optical anomalies which integrate aberrations of high degree according to mathematical formulas’ called polynomials of Zernike.

Thus, such fingerprint, each individual presents a single of the combination of multiple aberrations of bottom and high made vision degrees.

In practice, the percentage of aberrations of high degree does not exceed a very small percentage at the majority of the individuals making negligible the taking into account of these elements for the treatment the laser. Conversely, at some, the percentage of aberration of high degree becomes sufficiently important so that a personalized treatment is necessary.

The center laserMontblanc is equipped with the whole of the device allowing a personalized treatment aberrometric:

Analysis of all aberrations analyzed by the Wave, the vario topolyser and use of specific processing software EX500 by Alcon.